Thursday, September 02, 2004

amarillo by morning...

err... amarillo in the morning.

my husband is headed to amarillo at the buttcrack of dawn. he gets a stinkin job there and bails on my ass. i appreciate that he wants to go and make sure that its a job he likes and that we will be happy there, but damn, i hate it. i hate it when i go out of town for the weekend... i am not going to see him for a month at a time. and its not like its a few hours drive away either.... its in the middle of NOWHERE.

stupid high paying job. stupid job to help us get out of the hole we have found ourselves in. stupid better life. who wants all that? oh right. we do. just at the expense of a little time apart right? its only a few weeks... at a TIME!!!

yes, i am being a big, fat, titty baby about this. and i haven't used the phrase "titty baby" since i was 11. that's how bad it is. that's the level to which i have to stoop to express what a freak i am being about the whole situation. sure, i will move out there in january and everything will be fine. sure, i am staying to help my boss out through christmas and he tells me that though i am an asset, he would "make do" without me. RIGHT, then why am i staying? if i am so expendable? jackass. oh right i am staying because that man i married needs to make sure amarillo is somewhere he wants to stay. granted it could be worse, he could go out there and hate it and then we would have to move to fargo, north dakota. now there is nothing against fargo ND, but i am a texas girl and the thought of being in my homestate is greatly appealing. fargo, not so much.

so yeah, he leaves tomorrow am. did i also mention that my father is in town from dallas to see us? and did i also mention that my baby brother needs to move out of his house by the end of the week because his dickhead roommates are kicking him out. the reason: he wants to keep the place clean. right... they are slobs and are tired of lil bro telling em to clean up their shit. fucking pity. and they wonder why they don't have girlfriends. FUCKIN DUR, sloth boy.

so, can i BE more stressed? i'm sure. lets not test the weight limits on this ride, though. someone might get hurt. or thrown. or maimed. or maybe none of those, but i will make your ass cry. try me. because if anyone's gonna be cryin, you best sit right down next to me and bring your own gawddamn box of snot rags.

the upside is....... umm.... errr.... the upside is..... well..... ya see...... its ..... ummmm.......

right. no upside. at least not right now. there may be a hundred upsides, but i can see past myself in the fetal position trying to drown in my own tears and snot.

pretty, no?

oh well, i guess i better finish the laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing, and folding before the menfolk descend upon my house.

peace out.


Miss Demon Seed said...

Hold on, I'm runnin' to get some snot rags and I'll be right back to climb up there beside you.

christelpistol said...

i love that you amended the time it would take to get to SC. thats funny.

christelpistol said...

wanna know what's fabulous?

my mother reads this and called this morning to see if i was still in the fetal position.

how awesome is she?

meanwhile he is about 1 1/2 hours away from memphis. which should roughly be halfway. yep, that dick really left.

christelpistol said...

its called GSP
and the cool thing is that since i work there sometimes, i have a badge. and i can greet you when you get off the plane. which insnt something most people can say. i like being the only one in the terminal waiting for someone to get on/off a plane. it gives me a feeling of importance. and closeness.

nah, i just like the smell of jet fuel.