Friday, June 03, 2005


well, i just got off the phone with the woman who OFFERED me the JOB!

the interview went great yesterday, and i felt really confident (oh yeah i looked terrific, too DUH!). until i got home and realized that "Hello, christel, this job WAS online for people WAY more experienced than you to see and apply for!!!!" and i started to freak a little. of course i freaked while i was chatting with Allie, who told me to cut that shit out. yay for Allie.

so calmed down... but still did a little freaking this morning. and basically figured i didn't get it. so i continued my job hunt.

but no need for that now.

i am going to sell wireless phone service again. yeah, i know. its not coffee, but it will afford me the ability to set aside my bonuses for my ROASTER, sooner. and THAT'S what's important.

so, yay me. gainfully employed once more. an active contributor to society. an upstanding member of the working world. (i couldn't type the last one without laughing)

don't get me wrong, i really DIG being a housewife. hell, i have been like Holly Home-Maker on CRACK. i have been a cooking-baking fool. and H totally DIGS that too. but i need to get out of this house, before i start baking with cat food.

so, thanks for all the JUJU, kids. it worked!

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