Tuesday, June 14, 2005


apparently, the responsibility to get the Blog Ball rolling, is all my hands today.

my darling number girls have not updated in a LOOOOONG while. oh yeah, i haven't either... but anyway. look over there its elvis!

so, hopefully, once they read the witty shit I will spew forth, they will be JUST as inspired to follow suit. and then i wont be let down tonight when i get off WORK, and will have something to read. i am like a blog voyeur. i like knowing what's going on in other peoples lives... and i actually have like 13 i check everyday. i might link to all of them someday, but for now, they are all mine.

but so yeah.... i said WORK. as in a JOB. as in EMPLOYMENT... as in THESE PEOPLE ARE REALLY PAYING ME TO BE THIS CUTE?

i started yesterday... and i am in orientation HELL. 7th circle. but really, its not that bad. its stuff i kinda know anyway... so its a breeze... a long non-wrist rest for my mouse, bad chair, weird angled computer, super shitty coffee, and oh my GAWD can we turn the air down breeze.

look at me bitching, and its not even my third day. tee hee.

so, my weekend was great. lots of quality time the Husband. have i mentioned lately how FUCKING HOTT!!! he is? cause, damn honey, he sho is. even on sunday when i bribed him to go get fried chicken, did he look scrumptious. in what could have been pajamas.... and flip flops. he's lucky he waved the chicken in front of my face first.... otherwise he might have had to explain the bite marks. i love that boy. (yes, you honey)

so. i have blogged. and i now have to get dressed for WORK. look! i said it again.

oh yeah, next time, remind me to take a sweater.


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