Sunday, April 03, 2005

Curse of the Bambino

i hate the Yankees.
there isn't another team in the MLB that i hate. i mean, sure i don't like the Braves, but i hate the Yanks. it started the year they acquired A-Rod. and it got worse last year when they got The Unit. come ON! how is this fair? Randy Johnson should NOT be wearing pinstripes.

how is it that the kid with the most toy wins? sure, they have to pay a luxury tax. but how does that really hurt? oh, right, it DOESN'T!

this team is so stacked against anyone's favor that last years World Series was considered a fluke by some. they think that the Yanks will beat the BoSox tonight, JUST to prove they can. to this i call BULLSHIT.

i have become a baseball fan. i started as a Reds fan and worked my way into baseball fandom. i really like baseball. not only because i understand it, but because Husband and i agree on it. you can have football... basketball... even CURLING. but we agree on baseball. we love it for the same and for different reasons. i love it for the fact that it marks the onset of spring and summer... and hot dogs and cold overpriced beers and being outside. and the fact that i get it. baseball makes sense to me. hell, i even learned to keep score last year. he loves it because it pulses through his veins like life blood. my husband breathes baseball. lives and dies baseball. and i adore that.

this is a baseball family. we want to take a trip during one summer and visit all the major league parks. how cool dees that sound?

but i will not got to Yankee stadium.
they don't play fair, then they don't get my money.

so. i'm off to finish watching the game.

and Jonny Damon ain't bad to look at either.

and how much do i love that the Reds play on Opening day.
oh yeah, UH-LOT.

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