Thursday, March 24, 2005

imitation is the sincerest flattery

i stole this from Tasty because i admire her and because thats what the Numbers do.

I Live: IN TEXAS again
I Work: the main thing i am working on right now, is my marriage
I Think: i need to get back in touch with who Christel is
I Smell: the coffee, but not the roses nearly enough
I Listen: to what i want to hear
I Hide: damned near EVERYTHING
I Walk: quietly. literally and figuratively
I Write: because it's cathartic and therapeutic and sometimes just to make other people laugh
I See: possibilities
I Sing: a LOT more right now. even in my house.
I Can: make you laugh even when i am in a thousand pieces (and i can heal from that)
I Watch: people
I Daydream: about having my own roaster. and like Tasty said, "about being on a book tour with the Numbers".
I Fall: a lot. again, literally and figuratively
I Want: happiness
I Cry: too much
I Read: like books are candy
I Love: yep, just that. i love.
I Rode: out the storm
I Sometimes: want a do-over
I Fear: that the people in my life will be disappointed in me
I Hope: that when leave this earth, that i made a difference.
I Eat: like a 3 year old
I Quit: pitying myself
I Drink: a pot of coffee everyday
I Play: not nearly enough
I Miss: me
I Forgive: my husband for being so angry with me.
I Drive: and i drive and i drive, lets just GO!
I Dream: of having children
I Have: an amazing suppport group
I Remember: july 6th 2002 (and i want that back)
I Don't: give myself nearly enough credit
I Believe: there is room for improvement, but better yet, that i want to improve
I Owe: a debt of gratitude to my mom and dad that really can't be paid
I Know: things happen for a reason
I Hate: ignorance, lack of ambition, prejudice, impoliteness, and those who don't realize that we all have to live on this ant farm together.
I Feel: lucky, blessed, hopeful, trusted, responsible, scared, excited, curious, ashamed, proud, and most of all loved.

BUT, i think i should so this every month. i know my answers will change based on my life at that moment, but this is a good measuring stick.

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