- sump = something (my baby brother started this one, he was a little deaf when he was born and couldn't hear to emulate the english language)
- unna one = the other one or something different (used in a general sort of way)
- unna one kind = the other one (used in a more specific manner)
- itty bitty baby one kind = small (note the use of 5 words to describe 1)
- christelmas = christmas
- forwent = past tense of 'forgo'
- chilly brew ha ha's = beers (thanks to daniel)
- haggamers = hamburgers
- toilee pinter = toilet paper
- ellelator = elevator
- shlellows = marshmallows
- fancy kind = unusual
- strawgabiggies = strawberries
- neenut putter = peanut butter
- smashed tatatoes = mashed potatoes
- co-hee = coffee
- war-tow = water tower
- charlie foxtrot = cluster fuck
- "SHUT UP!!!!" = "no way", "you're kidding", "that's amazing", " get out!", "WOW!"
- "WHO DIS?!?!?!" = "hello"
- "not knowin" = "i dont know"
- "no gotty" = "i dont have it"
- "what do?" = "what are you doing?"
- "where go?" = "where are you going?"
OH and almost every noun is pluralized,
- i put some sugarS in my co-heeS.
- milkS in my cerealS.
- i want chickenS for the dinnerS.
ok so i guess its really just anything pertaining to food that gets pluralized.
and everyone gets a "The"
- THE mommie
- THE daddy
- THE tistel-girl
- THE charlie dog
- THE boy
- THE me
now, go forth and confuse the shit outta people with your new language! YAY!!!!!